Pregnancy is the best time of a woman’s life to practice yoga. It is a time when not only her body changes to prepare itself for a new life, but also her sensibility is higher and she is more receptive. Pregnancy is a journey and so is yoga. Merging the two of them together in such a significant moment in life prepares mums-to-be mentally and physically for birth, but also leaves precious habits and tools for the rest of their life.
In recent years the popularity of yoga has grown and for a good reason. Yoga brings numerous benefits to our body, mind and soul and here are 7 reasons why yoga is good for you.
Energy sustains each form of life and it sustains us humans. We are energy wrapped in skin. We couldn’t exist without it and yet our body oriented western culture gives it very little importance. So here comes the yogic philosophy …
Diet is one of the most important pillars of your healthy body and mind and whether you practise yoga or not, the principles of yoga diet could bring benefits to your well-being. Yogic diet is easy to understand and follow. And no, to eat like a yogi doesn’t mean being a strict vegan…
There are days when I’m bored with my usual muesli and yoghurt for breakfast. Especially now, during lockdown, when every day seems the same. These are the days when carrot muffins come to the rescue…
A warm welcome to my first blog post! Let me introduce you to what’s going to happen here. Well, it’s pretty simple. This blog will rotate around YOGA and TUSCANY…